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Clanwar details
Date: 22.10.2012 20:00h
Team: TmNF2.JPG Trackmania Nations Forever - Trackmania Nations Forever Tech
Opponent: uk WTF? - What the fuck ?
League: STC9
Type: -
XonX: 5on5
Maps: -
Server: -
Admin(s): -
Trackmania Nations Forever Tech WTF? - What the fuck ?
Points: 210



match for team2

Comments Site: « 1 »
#7 at 21.10.2012 on 11:19h IP saved
de Shuffler

wenn ich zeit finde werde ich nolifen für BX3!!!!!!!!!
auf gehts

#6 at 20.10.2012 on 17:36h IP saved
de killervirus

Defwin for us so gogogo nolife for BX3 if we will have a little chance for the playoffs after this playday.

#5 at 20.10.2012 on 13:13h IP saved
de Moritz123

sry guys...i have to change my answer...cant be here on monday before 21h so no quali and no match for me

im sry but uni staff

muss leider zu einer seminarbesprechung...die honks konnten des net früher sagen^^

#4 at 20.10.2012 on 12:30h IP saved
de _flaXx_

i don´t if we drive this match against wtf, because no one is answering at the stc page...


but netherless i can´t play this match anyways...

#3 at 19.10.2012 on 13:47h IP saved
de nerox

I can check out again :/ have to work on Monday evening.

#2 at 17.10.2012 on 15:46h IP saved
de Moritz123

will be here but i think only "trained" on 2 maps

#1 at 16.10.2012 on 16:47h IP saved
de killervirus

gogogo team, maybe we have a little chance for the playoffs but for this we must win both matches 3:0. So lets win this match and with luck BX3 will underrate us . But wtf can be also strong they won against saw 3:0 but they had false tm logins and so they lost. So gogogo train.

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